There are so many ways we can spend quality time together as a family, but each season lends itself to certain activities that help us bond and nurture our relationship with our children. Autumn is probably my favourite for seasonal family activity time, because it feels like it brings a natural slowing down and pulls focus in to our family circle. This feels particularly important in our busy, modern lives. As it’s half term for us in the UK (and a 2 week lockdown here in Wales), I’ve been thinking of ways we can enjoy our time together whilst we stay at home. With the nights drawing in and the cooler days, it's the perfect time to seize the season embrace 'hygge' and enjoy some Autumn themed activities! Here's our ideas for easy and realistic ways you can connect as a family through the season Autumn. Art and Craft
Cosy Evenings
Get outdoors
We've created this lovely FREE Autumn Activity Checklist to help you ensure you spend quality time with your family at this beautiful time of year. Click here to download!
August 2024
AuthorHey! I'm the founder, creator and voice of Ink and Scribbles. Sharing thoughts on child well-being and parenting that are based on my teaching and parenting experience, and NLP learning. |